My Book

My Books


Make no mistake: In today’s world, if you go online, you are at risk.

No organization, person, device, or operating system is immune to attack by today’s sophisticated criminals. More trusting and less technically sophisticated individuals, including youngsters and seniors, are often particularly at risk.

The variety of threats is expanding. Phishing, spoof sites, identity theft, malware, data breaches, and social engineering are just some of the many threats facing both companies and individuals. An act as simple as opening an email attachment or scanning a QR code can provide criminals access to virtually anything on your computer or smartphone.

There were an estimated 800,000 cyberattacks in 2023 (source: PacketLabs), and that number will almost certainly continue to grow. You or someone close to you has almost certainly been a target.

This book, written for the average, non-technical person, lays out in plain English what today’s common threats are, how to spot and avoid them, and what to do if, God forbid, you do become a victim.

This book starts with the basics, and then takes you, chapter by chapter, through:

  • assessing the security of various devices and operating systems

  • navigating smartphone security and its special issues

  • email and messaging security

  • data security (which affects individuals as well as corporations)

  • shopping online safely

  • enhancing online banking security

  • social engineering awareness

  • staying secure when on the go

  • cultivating robust cybersecurity best practices

You’ll also be presented with questions to help you assess your current risk. And there’s a glossary to help you with unfamiliar terms.

With your privacy, your finances, and your very identity at stake, consider this book the cheapest insurance policy you’ll ever buy.

Because it’s not a matter of if, but when, you’ll be the next target.

Cyberthreats continue to evolve! Stay current by visiting the blog on this website often.
There you can learn about new threats, and post alerts for others.
Be wary, and stay safe!

Purchase on Amazon today!

Protect yourself, and your loved ones.

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